An underrated way to network as a new CEO

An underrated way to network as a new CEO

An underrated way to network as a new CEO

Launch Pop's CEO, Eva Chan, was born in Canada, where she attended school and worked on some of her early career projects.

But the time came when she had to move to LA to start a new chapter of her life: Launch pop.

She stepped into the city with zero connections in her pocket.

Any startup founder knows that the initial stage of a company is when you need to leverage your network to speed-grow everything.

However, when nobody knows you or what you are building, keeping your head and morale high becomes a force to reckon with.

During that time, Eva came up with the concept of hosting quarterly dinners and breakfasts with other founders and investors.

At the start of Launch Pop, every three months or so, Eva would invite people in her not-so-huge network to gather in a room, learn more about each other, and make new friends.

Afterward, the people that she liked and could relate with, she prompted them to bring their friends next time.

Inducing people to bring on people from their network would help create a similarly fulfilling environment, and that's exactly what Eva had hoped for.

We weren't doing any advertising, so quality work and hosting dinners were only the best shot at being found by more people.

One of the main reasons why Eva had success with hosting dinners is because the dinners were never promoted as "networking parties."

People only joined us because they wanted to learn more about us and the other people that were there. 

Eva never fancied the idea of meeting and inviting people for the sole reason to network with them.

It was always because she wanted more friends in the industry.

This is why people loved joining us, as there were no forced conversations, ulterior motives, or hard-selling.

Hosting these tiny parties has been one of the most natural ways for us to grow Launch Pop into a larger community, and we highly encourage other founders to try it out, too!

If you’re interested in learning more about Launch Pop or joining the team reach out to

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